Maybe you are thinking of setting up your first page or you just need a new and better page.
In any case, you should know some of the basics of web design and do not worry, it will only take three minutes.

To be honest a website is the core of your online marketing activities, what marketing channels and techniques do is bring visitors to your site, and the purpose of the site is to convert your visitors into customers in terms of marketing called conversion. A bad website will actually make you lose money with other marketing methods. You do not need more visitors if you can not convert them to customers so the better your site the more visitors become customers and it does not really matter if you sell consumer goods online, provide local services or build houses.

Many in the industry call themselves web page designers, but in reality they have only basic coding knowledge. Of course without planning much they come out for you website very quickly with lots of information, pictures, contacts.
But the question is is the way to turn visitors into customers what you need? And the answer is simply no.
Simply find someone serious to design your website. Just like us.
Here’s how we do it, with seven steps:

The first step – is always collecting information that identifies things like the purpose of the site and audience goals

Step 2– A program that includes a malfunction of the site map structure and the technologies to be used.

Step 3– Design. We not only focus on the exterior and visual style in this cover, but also easily the user interface for a better experience.

Step 4 – Content. A very important part is choosing the right texts, images or videos. All of these are tailored \ not only to visitors but also to search engines.

Step 5– Development. Here we are really creating a website that uses html programming languages ​​and tiered css style sheets with the help of databases and other technologies if necessary it will be possible to access our websites from mobile devices as well.

Step 6 – Test. We check all the technical features and compatibility of the code and scripts for the main browsers and we also wonder if the site is indeed fulfilling its purpose.

Step 7– Launch the site. After the launch of the site our work is not finished yet, we always follow this main step that allows us to fix the reasonable defects and if you want we can also manage the maintenance and updating for you, as you have just seen that website design is a very complex process. But we believe this should be the case and our customers agree.

If you too have this passion for high quality sites – contact us, we will be happy to help you with what we do best!